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NYPD promotions in Lower Manhattan

Friday, July 15th, 2016 Posted in 1st Precinct and Transit District 2 in the News, 1st Precinct News | No Comments »

Anthony M. Carter and Mark A. Iocco

Anthony M. Carter and Mark A. Iocco. Photo credit: Carl Glassman

Downtown Post article by Terese Kreuzer

With its millions of tourists, rapidly growing residential population, narrow streets, government offices and strategically important financial and communications hubs, Lower Manhattan must present numerous challenges for the New York Police Department. On June 24, Police Commissioner William Bratton acknowledged a job well done by promoting two of Lower Manhattan’s commanding officers to deputy inspectors. He bestowed the honor on Anthony M. Carter, Commanding Officer of Transit District 2, and on Mark A. Iocco, Commanding Officer of the 1st Precinct.

D.I. Iocco joined the NYPD in July 1996. Subsequently, he was assigned to several different commands as he moved through the ranks, including the 52nd Precinct, Midtown North Precinct, 9th Precinct, and 5th Precinct. He became the commanding officer of the 1st Precinct in March 2015.

D.I. Carter joined the NYPD in February 1994. He has been assigned to the 68th Precinct, 73rd Precinct, 71st Precinct, 66th Precinct, Traffic Control District, and most recently became Commanding Officer of Transit District 2 in September 2013. Transit District 2 falls under the Transit Bureau organizationally and is responsible for protecting and serving the subway riders of much of Lower Manhattan.

The 1st Precinct is headquartered at 16 Ericsson Place. On the last Thursday of each month (except for July and August), a Community Council meets with the commanding officers to hear their reports on crime statistics and incidents and to ask questions. Elizabeth Williams, a courtroom artist who has been active with the Community Council, put the Iocco and Carter promotions in perspective when she said, “This is huge news for the Precinct Council because both commanders who we cover are being promoted at the same time. In the almost nine years that I have been involved in the Council, I have never have seen that.”

Chief of Transit Joseph Fox, who attended the promotion ceremony, said, “It’s great to know that our local commanders and officers have such strong relationships with neighborhood residents and commuters, as well as with the members of the 1st Precinct Community Council. The Council plays an incredibly important role in supporting our mission of service, and advancing the relationship between the police and the community.”

Anthony Notaro, the newly elected chairperson of Community Board 1, heads the 1st Precinct Community Council. All are welcome to attend its meetings, which start at 6:30 p.m.

– Terese Loeb Kreuzer

New chairman for Community Board 1

Friday, July 15th, 2016 Posted in 1st Precinct News, In the Press | No Comments »

Downtown Express article by Yannic Rack

There was a changing of the guard in Lower Manhattan this week.

anthony-notaroDEPRINT_WEBWEBCommunity Board 1 chose a new leader on Tuesday, overwhelmingly electing former vice-chair Anthony Notaro to the top job after his only challenger unexpectedly dropped out of the race last month.

Notaro is taking the reigns from Catherine McVay Hughes, who decided not to run for a customary third term as the unofficial — and unpaid — chief of the community.

“It’s amazing, looking back on what Catherine and the board have achieved over the last few years,” said Notaro after a ceremonial vote at the board’s June 28 meeting. “It is a bittersweet night,” he told Hughes. “Thank you for all of your hard work. And don’t go far! We’re gonna need you.”

National Night Out in Battery Park City: Tuesday, August 4th from 5:30-8pm

Saturday, July 25th, 2015 Posted in National Night Out | No Comments »

NNO2014WThe 2015 National Night Out event in Battery Park City will be held on Tuesday, August 4th from 5:30 to 8pm.

Please note that the July 1st Pct Council Meeting is cancelled. The next meeting will take place on September 24th 6:30 p.m. at the 1st Precinct.


1st Precinct Commanding Officer Captain Mark Iocco

Sunday, March 8th, 2015 Posted in 1st Precinct News | No Comments »

mark-ioccoWe say farewell to Capt. Brendan Timoney. He is now the Commanding Officer of the 13th Pct in Gramercy Park. We wish him all the best in his new command. Our new Commanding Officer is Capt Mark Iocco. Capt Iocco was the former Executive Officer of Midtown North. Welcome Capt Iocco!


Identity Theft Protection Tips

Monday, February 23rd, 2015 Posted in 1st Precinct News, Safety Tips | Comments Off on Identity Theft Protection Tips

Identity theft happens when someone steals your personal information, such as your Social Security number, address, phone number or financial account information, and uses it to open up lines of credit in your name.

What you can do to protect yourself?

  1. Protect your personal information. Do not give out information such as your Social Security number, and important passwords to your accounts.
  2. Never carry your social security Card, memorize the number. If you must give the number for verification over the phone, the last 4 digits should suffice. Institutions should never ask you to provide your full social security number.
  3. Do not give personal information over the phone; the caller on the other side may
    not be who they purport to be.
  4. Use a secured mail box.
  5. Check your credit history and score regularly. Subscribe to a reputable credit monitoring service. It may cost you a fee but peace of mind is priceless.
  6. Shred all documents containing important information before disposing of them.

The NYPD Crime Prevention Section hosts shredding events on a monthly basis. For more information on shredding events, tips and other crime prevention programs, contact us at or 212-614-6741.