Don’t Be the Victim of Phone Scams: Prepaid Debit Cards
Friday, February 28th, 2014 Posted in 1st Precinct News | No Comments »With the availability of Prepaid Debit Cards, criminals have developed new ways to steal from the public.
- A caller informs the victim that they owe back taxes to the IRS and must make immediate payment with a Green Dot Money-Pak.
- The victim’s family member had a car accident and the caller threatens physical violence unless immediate reimbursement is made with a Green Dot Money-Pak.
- Utility companies demand immediate payment by Green Dot Money-Pak or your electricity will be turned off.
Crime Prevention Tips
The NYPD’s Crime Prevention Section offers these tips to help you avoid falling victim to the scams:
- Be suspicious of callers who demand immediate payment for any reason.
- Remember that anyone who has the number on a Green Dot MoneyPak card has access to the funds on the card.
- Never give out personal or financial information to anyone who emails or calls you unsolicited.
- Never wire money, provide debit or credit card numbers or Green Dot MoneyPak card numbers to someone you do not know.
- Utility companies and government agencies will not contact you demanding immediate payment by MoneyPak.
School Crossing Guard Job Opportunity
Friday, February 28th, 2014 Posted in 1st Precinct and Transit District 2 in the News, 1st Precinct News | No Comments »The New York City Police Department is seeking your assistance in the recruitment efforts of School Crossing Guards. The Department currently has vacancies to fill. The job description is as follows:
Duties and Responsibilities
Under general supervision, directs pedestrian and vehicular traffic at an assigned school crossing; performs related work.
Examples of Typical Tasks
Regulates traffic, in accordance with traffic lights, at an assigned school crossing to permit safe crossing of elementary school children and other pedestrians during specified morning, noon and afternoon periods. Stops vehicular traffic to permit safe crossing if there are no traffic lights, or if the traffic lights are defective, at the assigned school crossing. Notifies supervisor of defective traffic lights or signs. Reports incidents of traffic violations at assigned location.
There are no formal requirements of education or experience, however all candidates must be able to understand and be understood in English. Prospective candidates must pass a qualifying medical examination and a character investigation. School Crossing Guards work five (5) hours per day for a maximum of 25 hours per week. Schedules may vary by the school but generally are from 7:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The starting rate of pay is $9.88/ hour. Every effort is made to assign guards to a school crossing within the confines of the resident precinct or a neighboring precinct. School Crossing Guards are eligible to enroll in a City-sponsored health insurance program if they work twenty (20) hours a week on a steady basis.
Attached you will find a School Crossing Guard application. Interested parties shall submit applications at any police precinct.
Crime Prevention Tip
Monday, February 3rd, 2014 Posted in 1st Precinct News | No Comments »Download tips on how to protect your business from catalytic converter thieves.
Robberies in the NYC subways fell 22 percent last year
Monday, January 27th, 2014 Posted in 1st Precinct and Transit District 2 in the News | No Comments »Decoy operations helped reduce the number of robberies in the subway system by 22% last year, the NYPD’s top transit cop told the MTA board Monday.
Electronic devices were a popular target for subway muggers and pick pocketers, making up 54% of stolen property in all robberies and grand larcenies.
“Clearly, our decoy operations were critical to reducing these electronic thefts,” Joe Fox said, adding the NYPD will “continue to use decoy operations frequently as part of our broader strategy to reduce theft of electronic devices.”