Partners in the Park
Saturday, January 2nd, 2021 Posted in 1st Precinct News | Comments Off on Partners in the ParkPlease join your First Precinct partners for an informal meeting with Captain Smith and staff from 11:30 – 1:30 PM at the following locations
April 28 at Battery Park carousel
April 29 at Father Fagan Park (Prince St and 6th Ave)
NYPD Graffiti Clean-Up: Let’s Clean Up New York City Together
Friday, January 1st, 2021 Posted in 1st Precinct News | Comments Off on NYPD Graffiti Clean-Up: Let’s Clean Up New York City TogetherWe are seeking donations of supplies such as paint, rollers, brushes, power washers. Please reach out to Police Officer Poirier or Sergeant Scaturro to coordinate.
Tour Ticket Hawkers, Long the Target of Complaints, Now All but Gone
Monday, February 26th, 2018 Posted in 1st Precinct News | No Comments »From The Tribeca Trib:
A welcome calm has settled over the tourist-heavy sidewalks and plazas around The Battery. Gone are all but a handful of the ticket hawkers, and with them their aggressive and oft-alleged disceitful ways.
On Feb. 1, the final boat to use middlemen tour ticket sellers whose tactics drew unending complaints was evicted from its city-owned dock. The new peace follows a history of frustrated efforts by the NYPD and the city to reign in the use of sellers by cruise boat operators.
National Night Out: August 1, 2017
Tuesday, August 1st, 2017 Posted in 1st Precinct News, National Night Out | No Comments »Come join us Tuesday, August 1, 2017, to meet your local NYPD Police Officers, Police Auxiliary, CERT team, Parks Police, and the community council to learn what we are all about.
Many fun-filed stations will be free to the public, including face-painters, carnival games, food, a DJ and more. National Night Out is a great opportunity o meeet the men and women of the NYPD who keep our neighorhood safe. Ask us questions, get to know us, educate us about your neighborhood problems.
National Night Out
Tuesday, August 1st, 6:00 p.m. – 8:00pm
Where: Seaport District, Fulton Street, between Front Street and South Street
NYPD promotions in Lower Manhattan
Friday, July 15th, 2016 Posted in 1st Precinct and Transit District 2 in the News, 1st Precinct News | No Comments »
Anthony M. Carter and Mark A. Iocco. Photo credit: Carl Glassman
With its millions of tourists, rapidly growing residential population, narrow streets, government offices and strategically important financial and communications hubs, Lower Manhattan must present numerous challenges for the New York Police Department. On June 24, Police Commissioner William Bratton acknowledged a job well done by promoting two of Lower Manhattan’s commanding officers to deputy inspectors. He bestowed the honor on Anthony M. Carter, Commanding Officer of Transit District 2, and on Mark A. Iocco, Commanding Officer of the 1st Precinct.
D.I. Iocco joined the NYPD in July 1996. Subsequently, he was assigned to several different commands as he moved through the ranks, including the 52nd Precinct, Midtown North Precinct, 9th Precinct, and 5th Precinct. He became the commanding officer of the 1st Precinct in March 2015.
D.I. Carter joined the NYPD in February 1994. He has been assigned to the 68th Precinct, 73rd Precinct, 71st Precinct, 66th Precinct, Traffic Control District, and most recently became Commanding Officer of Transit District 2 in September 2013. Transit District 2 falls under the Transit Bureau organizationally and is responsible for protecting and serving the subway riders of much of Lower Manhattan.
The 1st Precinct is headquartered at 16 Ericsson Place. On the last Thursday of each month (except for July and August), a Community Council meets with the commanding officers to hear their reports on crime statistics and incidents and to ask questions. Elizabeth Williams, a courtroom artist who has been active with the Community Council, put the Iocco and Carter promotions in perspective when she said, “This is huge news for the Precinct Council because both commanders who we cover are being promoted at the same time. In the almost nine years that I have been involved in the Council, I have never have seen that.”
Chief of Transit Joseph Fox, who attended the promotion ceremony, said, “It’s great to know that our local commanders and officers have such strong relationships with neighborhood residents and commuters, as well as with the members of the 1st Precinct Community Council. The Council plays an incredibly important role in supporting our mission of service, and advancing the relationship between the police and the community.”
Anthony Notaro, the newly elected chairperson of Community Board 1, heads the 1st Precinct Community Council. All are welcome to attend its meetings, which start at 6:30 p.m.
– Terese Loeb Kreuzer