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Archive for the ‘1st Precinct News’ Category

Discovery Channel Blog re Gold Street 3X Robbery

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012 Posted in 1st Precinct News | No Comments »

From’s Stupid Criminal Blog: Most banks these days claim they give customers personal attention.

Most people these days enjoy banking at a branch that knows them.

But when your career choice is bank robber, that’s not really what you’re looking for in a financial institution.

That’s what Chris Burnett didn’t figure on when he took a total of $26,000 from the same Manhattan bank by robbing it three days in a row. Successful bank robbing is a two-tiered process: Choosing the target, and executing the robbery.

Read the complete article.

President Obama Visits the First Precinct

Sunday, June 5th, 2011 Posted in 1st Precinct News, In the Press | No Comments »

Captain Edward Winksi holds up log book with President Obama’s signature after his visit to the 1st Precinct on May 5, 2011


At 12:30 p.m. Thursday, President Barak Obama’s limousine pulled up to the 1st precinct stationhouse in TriBeCa, just blocks from the World Trade center site. Once inside, there was a strong show of the support from the New York City Police Department.

Officers proudly showed off where the commander-in chief signed into the stationhouse’s log book, with his name and “God Bless.” “On a personal level, it was an honor to meet with him, to say thank you and shake his hand,” said Lieutenant Franco Barberio of Emergency Services.

Read the story on NY1.

View the CNN video on YouTube.

1st Precinct Cop of the Month Appreciation and Award Ceremony

Monday, May 30th, 2011 Posted in 1st Precinct News | No Comments »

DNAinfo by Julie Shapiro

LOWER MANHATTAN — On May 7 of last year, the 911 call came in: A woman was lying unconscious on the floor of a Spring Street apartment.

Police Officer Lawrence Sanzari, with the 1st Precinct, rushed to the scene and found that the woman had no pulse and was not breathing. She was cold to the touch.

Sanzari immediately started CPR, and soon the woman’s heart began to beat and she started breathing faintly. A few minutes later, her pulse and breath stopped again, and Sanzari again revived her with CPR, keeping her alive until an ambulance arrived. She was transported to the hospital conscious and in stable condition.

Sanzari was just one of several dozen 1st Precinct police officers to receive a plaque and a standing ovation this week at a recognition ceremony in Battery Park City.

Browse our photo gallery below from this year’s event.

“It shows them that their work is not unappreciated,” said Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, who attended the reception afterward at the Museum of Jewish Heritage. “We are aware of it.”

Read the full article on

Listen to Shelli Sonstein’s commentary.

1st Precinct Scooter Task Force in NY Metro May 13-15 2011

Friday, May 13th, 2011 Posted in 1st Precinct News | No Comments »

1st Precinct Council News

Friday, August 13th, 2010 Posted in 1st Precinct News | No Comments »

Chief Purtell and Liz Berger, President of the Downtown Alliance, at the NYPD Downtown Center opening

The 1st Precinct Scooter Task Force and the Downtown Alliance Security Division moved to new offices at 65 Broadway this week. Patrol Boro Manhattan South Chief Thomas Purtell, 1st Precinct Commanding Officer Captain Edward Winski, Scooter Task Force Commanding Officer Lt. Rob Rudolph were on hand to open the new NYPD Downtown Center.

The new offices are centrally located to the Financial District, Battery Park City, Greenwich South.

We wish them well in their new space.

Commanding Officer Edward Winski with Lt Rob Rudolph, Liz Berger, President of the Downtown Alliance, and Sgt Harvin of the Scooter Task Force.

Captain Paul Rasa, new Commanding Officer of Transit District 2

Assigned to Transit District 2 on 1/3/10
Previous commands: 49 Pct, Bronx Narcotics, 43 Pct, 115 Pct and Transit Manhattan Task Force
Transit District 2 covers 6 precincts: 1,5,6,10,13 and MTS, 36 Stations, 21 Lines and 44 posts (or subway stations)

Other news:

Captain Vincent Costagliola new Executive Officer of Transit District 2
Assigned to Transit District 2 on 4/19/10 former ICO (Integrity Control Officer) at our 1st Precinct

We wish them all well!

Pictured L-R: Council Member Margaret Chin attends the 1st Precinct Council meeting as we honor our March Cop-of-the-Month Officer Gene Schatz ( story below), 1st Pct Council VP Marc Ameruso, Transit District 2 Community Affairs Officer James Rudolph, 1st Precinct Community Affairs Officer Steve Rose, Detective Rick Lee, 1st Precinct Council President Anthony Notaro, Council Member Margaret Chin, Officer of the Month Gene Schatz, Executive Officer Joseph Panarisse