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US News & World Report: New York City Considers Jail, Fine for Buyers of Fake Designer Goods

Friday, June 14th, 2013 Posted in In the Press | No Comments »

By Steven Nelson

New York City Council member Margaret Chin, a Democrat representing lower Manhattan, wants to frighten the fashion anarchists who purchase fake designer bags away from the tempting offers of clever street vendors.

Legislation proposed by Chin and six other city council members would make buying a counterfeit product in the city a misdemeanor punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of $1,000.

Chin announced the proposal in April and the bill was discussed during a Thursday hearing of the council’s Public Safety Committee — where it will likely linger for months as officials prioritize the city budget. The New York City Council has 51 members, 46 of whom are Democrats.

Read the full article online.

Please sign to help make it illegal to buy counterfeit trademarked goods

Monday, April 8th, 2013 Posted in 1st Precinct News | No Comments »

Please sign the online petition here:

This bill will make it a class A misdemeanor to purchase counterfeit goods, punishable with up to a $1,000 fine and/or up to a year in jail. The bill also targets those who purchase goods which they should know are counterfeit, based on the cost or quality of the bill, or the conditions and location of the seller or sale.

Stolen iPhone Recovered with Help from Anti-Theft App

Sunday, March 10th, 2013 Posted in Transit District 2 | No Comments »

A thief cut a sleeping man’s pocket and stole his iPhone on the subway this week, but police succeeded in getting it back thanks to an anti-theft app.

Sgt Robinson
Sergeant William Robinson
PO Timothy Osorio 2
Police Officer Timothy Osorio

NYPD Sgt. William Robinson and Officer Timothy Osorio, both of Transit District 2, responded to the site where the iPhone was last located. Robinson used the Find my iPhone app on his iPad to trace the stolen phone to First Avenue and 1st Street on the Lower East Side.

Read coverage on WCBS

Read coverage on Fox News

Medal Recipients: 1st Precinct Police Officer Artr Kasprzak

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013 Posted in 1st Precinct News | No Comments »

kasprzakOfficer Kasprzak was awarded 2 medals for meritorious service for saving a man’s life in July of 2011 by rescuing him from the East River and then again in September of 2012 for apprehending a man with a loaded 32 caliber revolver. His quick thinking and response in both instances helped saved lives and helped make the quality of life better in the City of New York and our downtown community.

On October 28th 2012 Officer Kasprzak again thinking of others, helped to save his family during Super -storm Sandy . With water pouring into his Staten Island home, Kasprzak helped move six adults and his 15-month-old nephew into his home’s attic. He then went back down to the basement to look for his father. Unknown to Kasprzak, his father had already exited the house and was on his way up to the attic via a different path. Kasprzak never returned.

Officer Kasprzak will truly be missed and his heroism will not be forgotten.

Below is a list of the 1st Precinct Officers who also received medals from 2010-2012 for their remarkable work in the 1st Precinct. The Council thanks them all on behalf of the community.


Transit District 2 Cop of the Month 2012

Friday, January 4th, 2013 Posted in Transit District 2 | No Comments »

January: Grand Larceny

  • Sgt Lograsso
  • PO Yeuris Mejia

February: Robbery

  • PO Randy DaSilva
  • PO Michael Rhome
  • PO Clifford Turner
  • Sgt Joseph Sordi

March: Lush Worker Grand Larceny

  • PO John Bartley
  • PO Michael Thomas
  • PO Alex Bradshaw
  • Sgt John Nunziato

April: Gun Arrest

  • PO Paul McCarthy
  • PO Kevin Lavin
  • Sgt Chris Correa
  • PO Yeuris Mejia
  • PO Nick Geroulakis

Story of note: At Canal Street officers noticed a man who appeared nervous, had his hand on his right hand pocket. The officers and stopped him, the defendant, became resistant when the officers questioned him and asked him to step off the train. When the officers frisked him he had a loaded 38 Lugar with 5 rounds of ammunition and was on parole for robbery.

May: Robbery

  • PO Nicholas Molino
  • PO David Michelena

June: Grand Larceny

  • PO John Bartley
  • PO Micheal Thomas
  • PO Alex Bradshaw
  • Sgt John Nunziato

July: Grand Larceny

  • PO Gurney George
  • PO Salvator Catania
  • Sgt Bryan Giordano

August: Robbery

  • LT Anthony Reyes
  • PO John Pattishaw
  • PO Sammy Morel

September: Escaped Prisoner

  • PO Richard Noriega
  • LT Anthony Reyes

Story of note: During a buy/ bust operation a prisoner escaped out of a prisoner van. The prisoner was seen in the Union Square subway station, Lt Reyes and his partner responded. The prisoner was spotted running into the northbound tunnel. The officers got into their car and continued the search north, and spotted the suspect at 21st and Park Ave. They tackled the suspect to the ground and got him in custody. The defendant has 15 priors and 2 burglaries arrests.

October: Grand Larceny / Lush Worker

  • PO John Bartley
  • PO Michael Thomas
  • PO Alex Bradshaw
  • Sgt John Nunziato

November: Robbery

December: Robbery

  • PO Matthew Divito
  • PO Christopher Tuccio
  • PO Joseph Seva
  • PO Brain Kenny
  • Sgt Christoper Correa

Transit Bureau Cop of the Month, November-December 2012

Chief of Transit Joseph Fox awards Officer Yeuris Mejia with the Transit Bureau Cop of the Month Award for November/December 2012

On Tuesday, November 20th at 9:20pm an 80 year old gentleman was entering the subway turnstiles with his wallet and metrocard when a young man grabbed his wallet. The man struggled to keep his wallet and was injured. The suspect was finally able to grab the wallet and flee. There was a review of the surveillance cameras and the suspect was identified. The following night the Transit District 2 Anti Crime teams set up a surveillance at the same station and Officer Mejia was able to identify the suspect. The suspect resisted Officer Mejia and yet he was still able to arrest him. The defendant has 7 prior arrests, 5 in the subway system.

Congratulations to Officer Yeuris Mejia of TD2 for being awarded Transit Bureau Cop of the Month, November-December 2012.