Cop of the Month 2010: First and Second Precincts
October 30th, 2010 Posted in Cop of the MonthThe First Precinct Cop of the Month 2010
Police Officer Gene Schatz.
PO Schatz successfully apprehended a fleeing bank robbery suspect after commission of the crime.
On Friday March 26, 2010, at approximately 1209 PM, PO Schatz and his partner PO Desapio responded to a Bank Robbery at 277 Broadway. While responding to the location, the officers were flagged down by a bank employee who had followed the perpetrator from the bank. The employee pointed out the perpetrator and PO Schatz executed the quick apprehension of the criminal.
PO Schatz exercised sound tactics and keen observation while responding to a tense situation. His actions led to the quick apprehension of the perpetrator as well as the recovery of $2,000.
April – Police Officer Yael Magori – During the month of April 2010, PO Magori made an astounding 12 arrests including 2 felony arrests, to earn her the April Cop of the Month award.
May – Police Officer Lawrence Sanzari – On May 7, 2010, PO Sanzari responded to a call of an unconsciuos female at 138 Spring Street. Upon arrival, the aided was lying on the floor. Sergeant Bullara and PO Sanzari accessed the aided and found that the aided had no pulse and was not breathing. The aided was also cold to the touch and did not respond to verbal commands. PO Sanzari the initiated rescue breathing and chest compressions to the aided. After the first round of CPR, the aided began to have a shallow pulse and weak breathing. After about 5 minutes the aided stopped breathing again, and had no pulse. PO Sanzari performed CPR again, stabilizing the aided until the arrival of EMS. The aided was the stabilized by EMS and transported to NYU Downtown Hospital in stable condition and conscious.
June – Anti Crime Team
Sgt Michael Lutz
PO Whittaker Young
PO Andre Reyes
PO William Finan
PO Mildred Velez
The burglary pattern was ongoing for a few months in Manhattan and Brooklyn with many NYPD units working on it. On June 5, 2010 1st Precinct Anti Crime Team observed and arrested the 3 perpetrators involved in the burglary pattern after a commercial burglary in the 61 Precinct. All 3 defendants had numerous prior arrests. One of them had a prior conviction for murder.
July – Police Officer Daniel Brier, Police Officer Richard Ford, Police Officer Christopher Braine -On July 6,2010 Police Officers Brier, Ford and Braine responded to a suicidal person threatening to jump out of his apartment window on the 11th floor of a building on Wall ST. Upon entering the apartment, the person was sitting on the windowsill with his legs facing outwards. The victim told police to stay away and not to come any closer or he would jump. For approximately 20 minutes the Police Officers maintained a dialogue with the person to attempt to get him off of the windowsill. Upon arrival of the Emergency Service Unit, the Officers were able to inch their way toward the disturbed person, eventually leading to him being pulled from the window by the responding personnel.
Sgt. Joseph Taylor and Police Officer Theodore Plevritis
On Saturday, August 7, 2010, three people were shot in the vicinity of Front Street and Beekman Street. At approximately 3 am, Police Officer Theodore Plevritis and Sgt. Joseph Taylor were flagged down by a group of people at the corner of the location. They were informed of the shooting and immediately placed one of the witnesses in the patrol car to conduct a canvass of the area. Near the corner of Fulton Street and Pearl Street the witness identified the two perpetrators. The defendants were stopped and the firearm was recovered. Due to the constant patrolling and quick response of the officers involved, the perpetrators were taken into custody without any further incident. The perpetrators were charged with assault and criminal possession of a weapon.
Police Officer Michael Burke and Police Officer Nick Giakoumis
On Friday, September 17, 2010, at approximately 11 am, a 76 year old woman was the victim of a strong arm robbery in the vicinity of Canal Street and West Broadway. The perpetrator dropped something on the ground and when the victim bent to pick it up he grabbed her pocketbook and pushed her to the ground. Police Officer Michael Burke and Police Officer Nick Giakoumis were driving past the location and were flagged down by a passerby who informed them of the crime. The Officers immediately took action and pursued the perpetrator into a nearby parking garage. The perpetrator tried to escape and was subdued by the Officers. The perpetrator was charged with Robbery and Resisting Arrest.
TD2 – Cop of the Month 2010
Arrest made at 4am of a suspect who stole iPod from sleeping victim on the E train. Police found that suspect had criminal history.
- Sgt.Joseph Sordi
- PO John Birong
- PO Darrell Alfonso
- PO Lener Morales
Arrest in robbery of a victim who was attacked and punched on staircase by 3 suspects who then went thru the victims pockets and fled. The officers canvassed the area and found the suspects and made the arrest.
- Sgt Christopher Correa
- PO Cesar Gonzales
Suspect robbing victims on as they enter the subway at Broadway Nassau Street station on the J line. Grabbing ladies purses at they go through turnstiles
Officers found suspect, had a positive line up id., made arrest.
- Sgt. John Nunziato
- PO. Alexander Bradshaw
- PO. Jim Bartley
- PO. Michael Thomas
Lush worker arrest for more on this story see Daily News article.
Lush Worker Arrest
At the Brooklyn Bridge station at 3:40 am on the 6 train officers observed a known lush worker (criminal who steals items from people asleep on trains) remove a Sidekick cell phone from a sleeping passenger’s hand. The officer arrested the perp and 2 other lush workers who were look outs.
Between the 2 defendants they had 54 prior arrests including arrests for Robbery and Grand Larceny
Sgt John Nunziato, PO Bradshaw, PO Thomas and PO Bartley made the arrests
Grand Larceny Arrest
At Penn Station around 1pm an officers observed a person trying to use a credit card in the Metro Card machine which was denied. The officer questioned the man and he stated “you got me”. The perp was found to be in possession of 4 stolen credit cards, belonging to 2 separate persons. Investigation showed that a bag was stolen from a woman at Radio City and another victim reported that his bag was stolen from 44th St and 5th Ave.
Lt Cruz, Sgt. Larasso and PO Corrado made the arrest. They were the anti crime plain clothes officers
The defendant had 20 prior arrests including 7 for Burglary and 2 for Robbery
Phone snatch arrest
Officers observed a female chasing a male down the street yelling “stop him.” The officers caught the male near Waverly Place. The female stated the perp had snatched her Phone while she was texting.
During a train inspection on the uptown A train at W 4th Street, at 5:50pm officers observed a perp pretending to read a newspaper reach and grab a females purse 2 times while holding the train door open. Anti crime plain clothes officers Lt Cruz and Officer Mejia observed and made the arrest. The defendant had 42 prior arrests including 8 for Robbery, 4 for Grand Larceny, 6 for Criminal Possession of stolen property and 1 for Burglary
At approx 1:30 am on the Brooklyn Bridge station north bound track officers were called to the station in response to a call.
A male had beaten up passengers who had refused to give him their money and possessions.
The victims stated that the perp was sitting across from them on the train and stated “Give me you moneyâ€, when refused he punched and kicked victims and took their wallets
The officers did an investigation on the scene and the perp was found and arrested by Officer Tom.
Officers responded were
- Sgt Joseph Sordi
- PO Michael Rhome
- PO Randy Dasilva
- PO Brendan Tom
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